They merely diagnose the symptoms, not the cause. Today, in a time when supernaturalism has again captured the minds of the masses through astrology and predictions forecasting calamitous events, the facts seem to indicate that even though many psychics claim to have "the answer," they solve no problems. Medical researchers and nutritional experts still marvel at the forsightedness and accurate diagnoses of this woman, who, with only a third-grade education, managed to predict and guide health-related research to a point even beyond that which we have already reached today.

Her spiritual, medical and nutritional insight, gained through more than two thousand visions and prophetic dreams, provided her with a knowledge that was in many cases more than a hundred years ahead of her time. Convinced through her prophecies that the world was rapidly approaching its end, she led and counseled a large segment of the religious world of her time into a deeper spiritual and social awareness. Surrounded by the throes of a great religious awakening, she emerged from obscurity in 1844, after her first vision, and soon found herself guiding a small band of devoted religious believers through disappointments, Civil War, Reconstruction and finally the climactic years surrounding the turn of the century. Born into a family where the deeper values of life took priority over social standing, surrounded by the grueling poverty of the early 1800's and severely handicapped, she found herself elevated from mediocrity to a position of guiding leadership in a great church, her actions aided and directed by a seemingly endless number of inspired revelations. Introduction SIMPLICITY HAS OFTEN been called the mark of true greatness no single word could describe Ellen G. TO RINKE AND RANDY my father and my son, this book is fondly dedicated If authoritative advice is needed, the reader should seek the counsel of a competent professionalĬopyright © 2001 Judie D.

This book is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in giving spiritual, legal, medical, or other professional advice. The opinions expressed in this book are the author’s personal views and interpretation of the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and/or contemporary authors and do not necessarily reflect those of TEACH Services, Inc. The author assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of all facts and quotations as cited in this book. This book was written to provide truthful information in regard to the subject matter covered.

This book or any portion thereof may not be copied or reproduced in any form or manner whatever, except as provided by law, without the written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.